Writing Skills Workshop

This half-day course is designed for anyone whose work involves writing – to the media, the public, statutory agencies, community organizations, staff or colleagues.
Learn how to write simply and effectively, cutting out jargon and avoiding confusion. Grab your readers’ attention instantly and – most importantly – make sure the message they pick up is the one you want to convey. The better your writing, the greater your chance of success.
This workshop is highly interactive, with lots of practical exercises. Where possible, we like you to bring samples of your writing to the course. You will learn how to:
• Engage your readers’ attention
• Know your news line
• Focus on your key message
• Write clearly and simply
• Suggest photo opportunities, where applicable
• Avoid spelling / grammatical errors
• Follow up your correspondence
“We gained so much insight into how to approach journalists, and which angles to focus on when constructing…”
Bogside and Brandywell Health Forum