Radio and Television Interview Skills

A bad interview can destroy – in seconds – a reputation that has taken years to build. A good interview, however, can enhance that reputation and work wonders for your own or your organisation’s public profile.
This one-day course will help you to project yourself confidently and convincingly, and to tackle – coolly and head-on – whatever questions are pitched at you. You will also be interviewed in a mock ‘live studio’ set-up, and receive feedback afterwards on how you look and sound.
Over the course of the day, you will learn about:
• Different types of interview
• Preparations for facing the media
• Identifying your strengths and weaknesses
• Anticipating questions
• Staying calm under pressure
After a break for lunch, all participants will take part in:
• Role-play and practical exercises
• In a one-to-one situation
• In a panel situation
“Thank you Leapfrog Communications for the best media training we have ever had…”
Pink Ladies Cancer Support Group